Case Results
Some of Our Successes
Newsworthy Cases

$368,000 verdict
$176,000 verdict
$75,000 judgement
Transgender Discrimination Case Settlement
Illegal Strip Search Case Settlement
Our case results
Our Success

Successes Story 1
Since its inception, JAMES, SCHWARTZ & ASSOCIATES, P.C. has achieved settlements or jury awards of over $12,000,000
Significant confidential settlement in federal civil rights claim against county jail and negligence claim against the private provider of mental health services in favor of the three heirs of an inmate who was murdered by another inmate with mental health issues who was placed in the decedent’s cell 2 days after he attempted to murder another cellmate in similar fashion.
Significant confidential settlement in a wrongful death medical malpractice case against an urgent care facility which failed to diagnose that plaintiff’s decedent was suffering from symptoms that led to a fatal heart attack within 24 hours of his visit to the facility.
Confidential settlement achieved in a premises liability case in which two Plaintiffs were sexually assaulted in their home by an intruder who defeated the negligently installed and maintained security system.
$400,000.00 jury verdict in a complex New Jersey State Whistleblower/discrimination case in which Plaintiff was an inspector who refused to pass bad parts. (Prior to bifurcated punitive damages hearing confidential settlement entered).
$385,000 settlement in federal civil rights case against a municipality in which one of its police officers sexually assault client who had called 911. See link to article below…
Successes Story 2
$368,700 jury award to Plaintiff who was assaulted by bouncer in a well-known night club. The verdict was seventy-four times the highest offer made by the defendant. (Subsequent settlement confidential).
$350,000 settlement in a federal § 1983 malicious prosecution case stemming from Plaintiff’s arrest for arson arising out of a fire at a 105-year old home where she grew up and which her mother sold. Electricians were there to upgrade the old knob and tube electrical wiring, when a fire broke out in a bedroom where the electricians had worked. Despite irrefutable evidence that the fire started from an outlet that sustained fire damage defendant fire and police personnel decided that this was not an electrical fire and charged Plaintiff with arson. Defendants failed to preserve any of the evidence including the outlet and ignored the opinion of a renowned fire expert that this was a classic electrical fire. This case involved a successful appeal to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals that resulted in a precedential opinion in Plaintiff’s favor and made new law. Black v. Montgomery County, et al., 835 F.3d 358 (2016) cert. denied, Pomponio v. Black, 137 S.Ct. 2093 (2017).
Settlement in federal civil rights case alleging deliberate indifference to known medical condition on behalf of county inmate whose cancer was not properly diagnosed and treated. (Settlement confidential).
$220,000 jury award in an excessive force case where Plaintiff was shot 8 times by a Philadelphia police officer who claimed that Plaintiff had pointed a gun at him. Plaintiff proved to the satisfaction of the jury that the gun was planted.
Confidential settlement entered in a medical malpractice case in which Plaintiff, an inmate in the Philadelphia Prison System, was denied necessary prompt treat for a bacterial infection in his leg.
In a federal Title VII employment discrimination case against a national chain store, Plaintiff, a gay male food server who was the subject of consistent harassment that constituted gender stereotyping, which resulted in his constructive termination. (Confidential settlement).
In a federal civil rights case, the estate of Decedent, who was shot 21 times by Philadelphia police officers (17 by one officer), entered into a confidential settlement. The only eyewitnesses were polices officers, and Plaintiff survived summary judgment on the strength of excellent depositions revealing significant discrepancies in the police versions of events, and a forensic expert who opined that the trajectory of the bullets was inconsistent with the central police theory of justifiable shooting.
Highest jury verdict in Pennsylvania for an intentional tort in 2012. $151,000 jury award to Plaintiff in a malicious prosecution case against a Philadelphia police detective who swore out a warrant for the arrest of Plaintiff on charges of interference with the custody of her two infant grandchildren. ONLY THE CHILDREN DID NOT EXIST!!! Plaintiff proceeded on the theory that the detective’s failure to conduct any meaningful investigation and subsequent fabrication of same, constituted willful misconduct. See link to article below…
Successes Story 3
$125,000 jury verdict against local pharmacy whose security guard falsely accused semi-homeless person of shoplifting and assaulting the guard. Plaintiff spent over 3 months in jail in lieu of $200 bail which he could not afford. (Subsequent settlement confidential).
$103,000 jury award to Plaintiff and her two children, in a civil case alleging assault and battery, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution, where Philadelphia police officers, pepper sprayed Plaintiff and falsely arrested her for aggravated assault on the officer, and also detained her two children. Plaintiff was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, P.C. in the underlying criminal case which was dismissed.
Confidential settlement in negligence action against national restaurant chain where Plaintiff sat on a defective stool that collapsed causing serious bodily injury. The settlement was achieved despite the fact that the stool in question was discarded before it could be inspected.
$100,000 settlement for Plaintiffs who were assaulted and then falsely charged with assaulting police and disorderly conduct, in a near riot situation when one officer, who accosted a juvenile, and then put out a “officer assist” radio call.
$100,000 settlement with members of the City of Philadelphia Police Department following the execution of a search warrant on Plaintiff’s home and her arrest on charges that were dismissed for lack of evidence.
$98,000 settlement with Philadelphia police officers, in a case alleging assault and battery, false imprisonment, and loss of consortium. The officers, responding to a bogus call to police by the grandmother of Plaintiff’s son that Plaintiff refused to return the child, demanded that Plaintiff produce the child and turn him over. When Plaintiff explained that the child was at camp, the officers became incensed and assaulted Plaintiff, pulled a weapon and pointed it at Plaintiff’s wife, and then falsely charged Plaintiff with assaulting them. Plaintiff was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, P.C. on the underlying criminal case which was dismissed.
$97,500 settlement with Philadelphia police officers who falsely charged Plaintiff with drug possession and resisting arrest following an encounter where she was assaulted with a baton in front of her young children. Plaintiff was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, P.C. in the underlying criminal case which was dismissed.
$95,000 settlement with Philadelphia police officers who assaulted Plaintiff including striking him in the head with a metal retractable baton. The officers falsely charged Plaintiff with aggravated assault against them. Plaintiff won the underlying criminal case in which he was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, PC.
Confidential settlement entered with the City of Harrisburg, in an incident in which police illegally detained members of a family, and discharged a Taser striking a youth who was already in handcuffs.
$85,000 settlement with Philadelphia police officer who assaulted Plaintiff including striking him in the head with his baton when responding to fraternity party.
$75,000 settlement with Philadelphia police officers who assaulted Plaintiff, a 57-year-old woman, whose only conduct was to tell plain clothed officers who were speeding down her street to slow down. Plaintiff was falsely charged with aggravated assault against the police officers. Plaintiff won the underlying criminal case in which she was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, P.C.
$75,000 jury award for the false arrest and prosecution of Plaintiff by Philadelphia police acting as security at the Eagles’ home opener in 2011. Plaintiff was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, P.C. in the underlying criminal case. See article below…
Successes Story 4
Confidential settlement in a federal Title VII employment discrimination case against a local Philadelphia firm which hired a new supervisor who discriminated against and ultimately fired Plaintiff, an African American female.
In a federal civil rights case alleging First Amendment violation of her right to free speech, and a Fourth Amendment violation of her right to be free from arrest without probable cause, a confidential settlement was entered by Plaintiff, her former employer and the Chester County Police Department, where Plaintiff was charged with the crime of terroristic threats and fired from her job for comments made in a private telephone conversation.
In a civil case alleging assault and battery, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution, Plaintiff, who was seen running from the scene of a fight at a house party, entered into a $50,000 settlement with Philadelphia police officers, who assaulted him and then falsely accused him of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Plaintiff was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, P.C. In the underlying criminal case, which was dismissed.
In a civil case alleging assault and battery, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution, following a jury trial, Plaintiff was awarded monetary damages by the jury against a Temple University police officer who falsely accused Plaintiff of attempting to run him over with Plaintiff’s car.
$40,000 settlement with the City of Philadelphia, where Plaintiff, a 33-year-old woman with no prior criminal contact, became the target of an investigation of her car, and was arrested without any cause or justification and unlawfully detained for 24 hours and had her car confiscated.
Confidential settlement with local municipality in a classic case of racial profiling in which Plaintiff, an African-American male was stopped, searched, and then cited for disorderly conduct when he dared to protest.
Confidential settlement with the Philadelphia School District on behalf of numerous students who suffered unlawful strip searches following an unsubstantiated allegation of a theft.
Confidential settlement with a local nursing home on a claim for a breach of its duty of care to protect Plaintiff, an elderly female, who was assaulted by another resident who was mentally ill and was not properly supervised.
Confidential settlement with well-known local restaurant/bar on a behalf of Plaintiff who was administered a “date rape” drug while she was a patron at the restaurant, and then was sexually assaulted.
Confidential settlement in a case where an off-duty constable working as security at one bar, shot two Plaintiffs who were innocent bystanders, following a fight that spilled out from a second bar. Complicated issues regarding whether the constable was acting as a law enforcement officer at the time.
Confidential settlement achieved in a premises liability case in which two Plaintiffs were sexually assaulted in their home by an intruder who defeated the negligently installed and maintained security system.
$385,000 settlement in federal civil rights case against a municipality in which one of its police officers sexually assault client who had called 911.
$400,000.00 jury verdict in a complex New Jersey State Whistleblower/discrimination case Plaintiff, who was an inspector who refused to pass bad parts. Prior to bifurcated punitive damages hearing confidential settlement entered).
$368,700.00 jury award to Plaintiff who was assaulted by bouncer in a well-known night club. The verdict was seventy four times the highest offer made by the defendant. (Subsequent settlement confidential).
Settlement in federal civil rights case alleging deliberate indifference to known medical condition on behalf of county inmate whose cancer was not properly diagnosed and treated. (Settlement confidential).
In a civil case alleging assault and battery, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution, following a jury trial, Plaintiff was awarded monetary damages by the jury against a Temple University police officer who falsely accused Plaintiff of attempting to run him over with Plaintiff’s car.
$220,000 jury award in an excessive force case where Plaintiff was shot 8 by a Philadelphia police officer who claimed that Plaintiff had pointed a gun at him. Plaintiff proved to the satisfaction of the jury that the gun was planted.
Confidential settlement entered in a medical malpractice case in which Plaintiff, an inmate in the Philadelphia Prison System, was denied necessary prompt treat for a bacterial infection in his leg.
In a federal Title VII employment discrimination case against a national chain store, Plaintiff, a gay male food server who was the subject of consistent harassment that constituted gender stereotyping, which resulted in his constructive termination. (Confidential settlement).
In a federal civil rights case, the estate of Decedent, who was shot 21 times by Philadelphia police officers (17 by one officer), entered into a confidential settlement. The only eyewitnesses were polices officers, and Plaintiff survived summary judgment on the strength of excellent depositions revealing significant discrepancies in the police versions of events, and a forensic expert who opined that the trajectory of the bullets was inconsistent with the central police theory of justifiable shooting.
Highest jury verdict in Pennsylvania for an intentional tort in 2012. $151,000 jury award to Plaintiff in a malicious prosecution case against a Philadelphia police detective who swore out a warrant for the arrest of Plaintiff on charges of interference with the custody of her two infant grandchildren. ONLY THE CHILDREN DID NOT EXIST!!! Plaintiff proceeded on the theory that the detective’s failure to conduct any meaningful investigation and subsequent fabrication of same, constituted willful misconduct.
$125,000 jury verdict against local pharmacy whose security guard falsely accused semi-homeless person of shoplifting and assaulting the guard. Plaintiff spent over 3 months in jail in lieu of $200 bail which he could not afford. (Subsequent settlement confidential).
$103,000 jury award to Plaintiff and her two children, in a civil case alleging assault and battery, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution, where Philadelphia police officers, pepper sprayed Plaintiff and falsely arrested her for aggravated assault on the officer, and also detained her two children. Plaintiff was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, P.C. in the underlying criminal case which was dismissed.
Confidential settlement in negligence action against national restaurant chain where Plaintiff sat on a defective stool that collapse causing serious bodily injury. The settlement was achieved despite the fact that the stool in question was discarded before it could be inspected.
$100,000 for Plaintiffs who were assaulted and then falsely charged with assaulting police and disorderly conduct, in a near riot situation when one officer, who accosted a juvenile, put out a “officer assist” radio call.
$98,000 settlement with Philadelphia police officers, in a case alleging assault and battery, false imprisonment, and loss of consortium. The officers, responding to a bogus call to police by the grandmother of Plaintiff’s son that Plaintiff refused to return the child, demanded that Plaintiff produce the child and turn him over. When Plaintiff explained that the child was at camp, the officers became incensed and assaulted Plaintiff, pulled a weapon and pointed it at Plaintiff’s wife, and then falsely charged Plaintiff with assaulting them. Plaintiff was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, P.C. on the underlying criminal case which was dismissed.
$97,500 settlement with Philadelphia police officers who falsely charged Plaintiff with drug possession and resisting arrest following an encounter where she was assaulted with a baton in front of her young children. Plaintiff was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, P.C. in the underlying criminal case which was dismissed.
$95,000 settlement with Philadelphia police officers who assaulted Plaintiff including striking him in the head with a metal retractable baton. The officers falsely charged Plaintiff with aggravated assault against them. Plaintiff won the underlying criminal case in which he was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, PC.
Confidential settlement entered with the City of Harrisburg, in an incident in which police illegally detained members of a family, and discharged a Taser striking a youth who was already in handcuffs.
$85,000 settlement with Philadelphia police officer who assaulted Plaintiff including striking him in the head with his baton when responding to fraternity party.
$75,000 settlement with Philadelphia police officers who assaulted Plaintiff, a 57-year-old woman, whose only conduct was to tell off duty officers who were speeding including striking him in the head with a metal retractable baton. The officers falsely charged Plaintiff with aggravated assault against them. Plaintiff won the underlying criminal case in which he was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, P.C.
In a federal Title VII employment discrimination case against a local Philadelphia firm which hired a new supervisor who discriminated against and ultimately fired Plaintiff, an African-American female.
In a federal civil rights case alleging First Amendment violation of her right to free speech, and a Fourth Amendment violation of her right to be free from arrest without probable cause, a confidential settlement was entered by Plaintiff, her former employer and the Chester County Police Department, where charged with the crime of terroristic threats and fired from her job for comments made in a private telephone conversation.
In a civil case alleging assault and battery, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution, Plaintiff, who was seen running from the scene of a fight at a house party, entered into a $50,000 settlement with Philadelphia police officers, who assaulted him and then falsely accused him of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Plaintiff was represented by James, Schwartz & Associates, P.C. In the underlying criminal case which was dismissed.
$40,000 settlement with the City of Philadelphia, where Plaintiff, a 33-year-old woman with no prior criminal contact, became the target of an investigation of her car, and was arrested without any cause or justification and unlawfully detained for 24 hours and had her car confiscated.
Confidential settlement with local municipality in a classic case of racial profiling in which Plaintiff, an African-American male was stopped, searched, and then cited for disorderly conduct when he dared to protest. (Settlement confidential).
Numerous six figure settlements in suits against the City of Philadelphia alleging discrimination in the workplace.
Confidential settlement with the Philadelphia School District on behalf of numerous student who suffered an unlawful strip search following an unsubstantiated allegation of a theft.
Confidential settlement with a local nursing home for a breach of it duty of care to protect Plaintiff, an elderly female from being assaulted by another resident who was mentally ill.
Confidential settlement with well-known local restaurant/bar on a behalf of Plaintiff who was administered a “date rape” drug while she was a patron at the restaurant, and then was sexually assaulted. (Settlement confidential).
Confidential settlement in a case where an off-duty constable working as security at one bar, shot two Plaintiffs who were innocent bystanders, following a fight that spilled out from a second bar. Complicated issues regarding whether the constable was acting as a law enforcement officer at the time.
$368,700.00 jury verdict awarded to plaintiff was seventy four times the highest offer made by the defendant, Haynes Young.
$182,000.00 settlement in suit against the City of Philadelphia for assault by police in the course of an arrest.
Numerous six figure settlements in suits against the City of Philadelphia alleging discrimination in the workplace.
Three quarters of a million dollar settlement in NJ Discrimination claim.
Same Sex Sexual Harassment: During the course of his employment at defendant corporation, Plaintiff worked as an administrative assistant to several key management personnel providing each with excellent and reliable work product. However, during the course of his employment with defendant, Plaintiff was subjected to a pattern of burdensome sexually explicit and harassing behaviors, the result of which created a hostile work environment. Plaintiff sought relief from both supervisor and human resources without success. Defendant supervisor, who had been the primary focal display of much of the sexualized behavior thrown at Plaintiff, was permitted to continue his close physical nexus to Plaintiff despite his complained of behaviors. Management marginalized plaintiff and limited his exposure to work as a result of his many complaints of inappropriate sexually harassing behavior and the perception that his age would prevent him from performing competently. Plaintiff was ultimately terminated due to “down-sizing” despite the fact that his actual position within the company was advertised. Plaintiff claims that his discharge was due to his continuing complaints and anger over the sexualized behavior directed at him throughout his tenure, which had gone unabated. Result: $60,000.00 settlement.
Plaintiff settles case against defendant Physician after allegations of sexual assault by physician. Plaintiff went to a doctor for a routine medical examination. After being asked to disrobe for the exam, plaintiff was then sexually assaulted by the doctor. (Settlement confidential).
Plaintiff, a student at a School for children with mental and emotional disabilities, alleged she was raped while at the school. After extensive litigation, matter settled for high five figures. (Settlement confidential).
Plaintiff drove his vehicle to Defendant’s business for the purpose of applying for a job. Plaintiff parked his vehicle and exited to ask for assistance. Unbeknownst to the Plaintiff, the area which he parked and exited his vehicle was under an open pipe containing the liquid substance, sulfuric acid. Without warning Plaintiff was doused in sulfuric acid causing severe burns and scarring to most of his body. Plaintiff was ultimately charged with trespass. After successfully litigating the criminal matter, Plaintiff sued defendant, who ultimately settled the matter for monetary damages. (Settlement confidential).
$400,000.00 verdict in a complex State Whistleblower/discrimination case in New Jersey involving a Plaintiff, who was an inspector and was asked to pass bad parts.
Half a Million Dollar settlement in a negligence action for monetary damages brought by Plaintiffs for injuries suffered as a result of defendants’ breach of a duty of protection that resulted in the sexual assault of Plaintiffs by a third person, who illegally entered their apartment that was owned and managed by Defendants.
Settled case brought on behalf of elderly resident of nursing home for a breach of duty to protect against an assault by another resident who was mentally ill. (Settlement confidential).
Settled suit brought against a restaurant/bar on a behalf of plaintiff who was sexually assaulted after being administered a “date rape” drug while she was a patron at the restaurant. (Settlement confidential).
$125,000 jury verdict on behalf of semi-homeless person falsely arrested and assaulted by a security guard at a well-known pharmacy.
Six-figure settlement in federal civil rights suit against county prison on behalf of inmate whose throat cancer went undiagnosed despite repeated medical complaints. (Settlement confidential).
Settlement in federal civil rights case brought on behalf of person stopped, searched and then falsely accused of disorderly conduct in a case of racial profiling. (Settlement confidential).
Settled case against Philadelphia School District following the unlawful strip search of multiple students. (Settlement confidential).